2020-03-09 21:26:05   


Patent Attorney, Lawyer

Practice Areas:
Patent Drafting and Office Action Responding; Infringement Analysis; Patent Invalidation; Patent Litigation; Search  Analysis

Technical Fields:
Biomacromolecule, Genetic Engineering, Microorganism, Medicine, Preparations, Biological Culture and Inspection Methods, Chemistry

Working Languages: Mandarin Chinese, English

School of Life Science, Fudan University          Microbiology                      Doctor
Shanghai Ocean University                                Marine Biotechnology       B.S.
Prior to joining our firm, Mr. Huang had been engaged in research and development in foreign enterprises like Unilever Research China for nearly 10 years. During 5-year practice, he is adept in patent drafting, office action responding, patent search and analysis, requesting or responding invalidation and patent litigation in the areas of biomacromolecule, genetic engineering, microorganism, medicine, preparations, biological culture/inspection methods, and chemistry.